Zoekresultaten - 8 results

NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health.

technologies. This is accomplished by generating relevant knowledge that ascertains appropriate prevention and control/actuation actions regarding RF- EMF exposure in residential, public, and occupational ...

Quality control and correction method for air temperature data from a citizen science weather station network in Leuven, Belgium

station-specific temperature quality control (QC) and correction procedure. The procedure consists of three levels that remove implausible measurements while also correcting for inter-station (between-station) and ...

Different Effects of a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Health-related Quality of Life

2015 retrospectively registered at Current Controlled Trials with Study ID ISRCTN12496336. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

4DEMON: Integrating 40 Years of Data on PCB and Metal Contamination in Marine Sediments of the Belgian Part of the North Sea

allowing us to include most older historical data that have been obtained during the nineteen seventies and eighties. Our approach included reproducible and quality controlled procedures from data collection ...

Exposure to green space and pollen allergy symptom severity: A case-crossover study in Belgium

symptom severity scores and matched these to 404 control days. The data were analyzed using conditional logistic regression with a 1:1 case-crossover design. Results: Case days were associated with exposure ...

Use of Whole Genome Sequencing Data for a First in Silico Specificity Evaluation of the RT-qPCR Assays Used for SARS-CoV-2 Detection.

China Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC), which exhibits three primer mismatches present in 358 SARS-CoV-2 genomes sequenced mainly in Europe from February 2020 onwards. The best results were ...

NanoRegister Evaluation: "Compliance control and substantive evaluation of the registration of substances produced in nanoparticulate state according to Royal Decree of 27 May 2014”- Trade Year 2017

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Stella Mathioudaki; Eveline Verleysen; Jan Mast Source: Sciensano/ SPF DG5 (2020) Keywords: compliance nanomaterials Nanoregister database Royal Degree of 27 May 201 ...

Confronting Risk of Bias in RF Bioeffects Research. Comments on Two Papers by Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda

improve the quality of RF bioeffects research. Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda applied four quality criteria to each article: 1. adequacy of exposure assessment; 2. blinded design; 3. use of positive controls; and ...

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