Zoekresultaten - 2 results

Laboratory Diagnosis of Bovine Abortions Caused by Non-Maintenance Pathogenic Leptospira spp.: Necropsy, Serology and Molecular Study Out of a Belgian Experience.

during this time (years 2014-2015) and associated with incidental infection by serovars such as Grippotyphosa, Australis and Icterohaemorrhagiae. Based on these tests, a diagnostic pathway is proposed for ...

Reproductive Disorders and Leptospirosis: A Case Study in a Mixed-Species Farm (Cattle and Swine).

reproductive disorders in the cattle unit. A long calving interval (above 450 days) was the hallmark observed in cows. Some cows (2/26 tested) presented a high titre of antibodies against sp. serogroup Sejroe, ...

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