Zoekresultaten - 219 results

Maintaining the quality of vaccines through the use of standards: Current challenges and future opportunities.

Standards vaccines Abstract: An international hybrid meeting held 21-22 June 2023 in Ottawa, Canada brought together regulators, scientists, and industry experts to discuss a set of principles and best ...

Ethical approval for controlled human infectious model clinical trial protocols- A workshop report.

“Ethical Approval for CHIM Clinical Trial Protocols”, which took place on May 30-31, 2023, in Brussels, Belgium. The event allowed CHIM researchers, regulators, ethics committee (EC) members, and ethicists ...

Regulatory workshop on challenge strain development and GMP manufacture- A stakeholder meeting report.

a significant challenge for developers. Still, it is preferred over reverse genetics challenge strains for several reasons, including implications and regulations around genetically modified organisms (GMO s). ...

Spatial configuration of green space matters: Associations between urban land cover and air temperature

of its citizens. This study explores how landscape composition and configuration regulate diurnal air temperature variations and the cooling potential of urban green spaces. Using a spatially-dense ...

Pollutant exposure and myocardial injury: Protocol and progress report for a toxicological systematic mapping review.

pollutant-related cardiotoxicity. Evidence maps and interactive knowledge graphs will illustrate evidence streams, cardiotoxic effects and associated quality of evidence, helping researchers and regulators to ...

A multi-country One Health foodborne outbreak simulation exercise: cross-sectoral cooperation, data sharing and communication.

affect the European population despite stringent regulations, evidencing the requirement for better ‘prevent, detect and response’ strategies. Response exercises play an essential role in the improvement ...

The analysis of cannabinoids in e-cigarette liquids using LC-HRAM-MS and LC-UV.

of several minor alkaloids in comparison to the “classic” CBD e-liquids where the acidic forms of the cannabinoids were not present. Currently, no legislation is available for the regulation of CBD ...

NextGEM: Next-Generation Integrated Sensing and Analytical System for Monitoring and Assessing Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Health.

regulations and laws developed by public authorities. NextGEM provides a framework for generating health-relevant scientific knowledge and data on new scenarios of exposure to RF- EMF in multiple frequency ...

COVID-19 pandemic response in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion: methods, participation and recommendations of a longitudinal cross-border study

regulations Meuse-Rhine Euroregion Pandemic preparedness Pandemic response Prospective longitudinal studies SARS-CoV-2 Abstract: BACKGROUND: Comparative data collection in transborder areas can contribute to ...

Multidimensional Chromatographic Fingerprinting Combined with Chemometrics for the Identification of Regulated Plants in Suspicious Plant Food Supplements.

susceptible to adulteration and fraud. This necessitates a screening approach for the detection of regulated plants in plant food supplements, which are usually composed of complex plant mixtures, thus making ...

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