Zoekresultaten - 129 results

Diagnostic performance and application of two commercial cell viability assays in foot-and-mouth disease research.

quantitative spectrometric reading to replace the time-consuming and subjective microscopic (MIC) evaluation of the FMD virus-induced cytopathic effect (CPE). Therefore, the diagnostic performance of two ...

The consistency approach for quality control of vaccines- a strategy to improve quality control and implement 3Rs

is now the opportunity to introduce the approach into established vaccine production, where it has the potential to replace in vivo tests with non-animal tests designed to demonstrate batch quality ...

Implementation over the past 20 years of the 3R's principle for batch release at the Scientific Institute of Public Health, Belgium (IPH).

eighties of last century; the European Pharmacopoeia has invested time and effort in the reduction, the replacement and the refinement of animal tests, better known as the 3R's principle.During the past ...

Pneumococcal serotypes in children in 4 European countries.

serotypes 7F and 19A increased most in France, Spain, and Belgium (IRR 1.9-16.9 in children <5 years; p <0.001), where PCV7 coverage was greater. Vaccine-induced replacement of PCV7 serotypes possibly ...

Confidence in indirect assessment of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency and vaccine matching carried out by liquid phase ELISA and virus neutralization tests.

results obtained in this study strongly support the replacement of challenge tests for vaccine potency by indirect serological assays, at least for A24 Cruzeiro FMDV strain. While determination of EPP s by ...

Validation of two real-time RT-PCR methods for foot-and-mouth disease diagnosis: RNA-extraction, matrix effect, uncertainty of measurement and precision.

matrix. Both rRT- PCR s produced highly precise results emphasising their potential to replace conventional virological methods. The uncertainty measurement, as described in this study, proved to be ...

Quantification of foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission rates using published data.

experiments using newly developed techniques can provide useful data to replace, reduce and refine future foot-and-mouth disease transmission experiments, thereby minimising animal suffering for ...

Citrullination of CXCL12 differentially reduces CXCR4 and CXCR7 binding with loss of inflammatory and anti-HIV-1 activity via CXCR4

CXCL12-3Cit, and CXCL12-5Cit, in which Arg(8), Arg(8)/Arg(12)/Arg(20), or all five arginines were citrullinated, respectively. Replacement of only Arg(8) caused already impaired (30-fold reduction) CXCR4 binding ...

Type and frequency of contacts between Belgian pig herds.

between-farm movements was 4 (Q1: 2; Q3: 8). For a typical 1-month period, we constructed directed graphs of between-farm piglet and replacement stock movements, illustrating potential receivers and distributors ...

Establishment of Replacement Batches for Prekallikrein Activator in Albumin Biological Reference Preparation

study was run by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare (EDQM) under the aegis of the Biological Standardisation Programme (BSP) to establish replacement batches of the ...

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