Zoekresultaten - 4 results

Hazard characterization of Alternaria toxins to identify data gaps and improve risk assessment for human health.

Dirven, Hubert; Dietrich, Jessica; Marko, Doris Source: Arch Toxicol, Volume 98, Issue 2 (2024) Keywords: Alternaria Food Contamination Humans Lactones Mutagens Mycotoxins Perylene Risk Assessment Abstract: ...

Development of novel analytical methods to trace small micro- and nanoplastics in food matrices

human health. Most of the produced plastics are used for packaging items, from cosmetic to food applications. Up to now, the most common plastics used for packaging have been petroleum-derived, such as ...

Cyanotoxins and Food Contamination in Developing Countries: Review of Their Types, Toxicity, Analysis, Occurrence and Mitigation Strategies

potential to bioaccumulate in food, which threatens human health. Bloom formation is usually enhanced under Mediterranean, subtropical and tropical climates which are the dominant climate types in developing ...

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