Zoekresultaten - 3 results

How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement

Our experience with uninformed and poorly informed (UPI) opinions in an online public engagement initiative (the DNA Debate) has taught us to think differently. First, UPI opinions might be ethically ...

The Belgian DNA Debate: An Online Deliberative Platform on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of Genomics

online DNA debate was organised, where 1,127 citizens contributed to its deliberative platform. Results: Contributors expressed a dual attitude towards the societal use of genomic information throughout ...

Des patients cancéreux parlent du ngs: Étude de groupe de discussion sur les expériences et les besoins en information

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Wannes Van Hoof; Katrien Moens Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.29 (2019) Keywords: NGS Patient Participation personalised medicine Health Topics:  Quality of ...

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