Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Food Chemistry, Function and AnalysisDNA Techniques to Verify Food Authenticity CHAPTER 8. GMO Detection and Identification Using Next-generation Sequencing

approaches can be applied. The whole-genome sequencing approach, on the one hand, requires no prior knowledge, and is suitable for the characterization of samples containing an isolated single GMO. The ...

Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates

quantify the burden of foodborne disease, but there is still much work to be done. While burden estimates are crucial to raising awareness of foodborne diseases, estimating their public health impact, and ...

Physical Characterization of Nanomaterials in Dispersion by Transmission Electron Microscopy in a Regulatory Framework

8, Number 270, Cham, p.21 (2015) ISBN: 978-3-319-15176-2 Abstract: TEM is one of the few techniques that can identify nanoparticles according to the current definitions. This chapter focuses on the ...

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