Zoekresultaten - 5 results

How robust is ACTIVLIM for the follow-up of activity limitations in patients with neuromuscular diseases?

clinimetric properties, allowing accurate quantitative measurement of activity limitations in both children and adults with a variety of neuromuscular diseases. Health Topics:  Neuromuscular diseases Maladies ...

Early stages of building a rare disease registry, methods and 2010 data from the Belgian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (BNMDR).

of neuromuscular diseases in Belgium is not known but actions have been undertaken to address these issues. Health Topics:  Neuromuscular diseases Maladies neuromusculaires Neuromusculaire aandoeningen ...

The TREAT-NMD DMD Global Database: analysis of more than 7,000 Duchenne muscular dystrophy mutations

codon read-through therapies (10% of total mutations) and exon skipping therapy (80% of deletions and 55% of total mutations) Health Topics:  Neuromuscular diseases Maladies neuromusculaires ...

The TREAT-NMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy registries: conception, design, and utilization by industry and academia

fostering collaboration between academia, patient organizations, and industry Health Topics:  Neuromuscular diseases Maladies neuromusculaires Neuromusculaire aandoeningen Service:  Étude des soins de santé ...

BNMDR, le registre belge des maladies neuromusculaires/Belgisch register van neuromusculaire aandoeningen

monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Étude des soins de santé Gezondheidszorgonderzoek Health services research Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

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