Zoekresultaten - 360 results

Automatic detection of airborne pollen: an overview

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of all available and developing automatic instruments, how they measure, how they identify airborne pollen, what impacts measurement quality, as well as what ...

What qualification work is needed for 3D mucosal models for vaccine development

development, EVI, Issue RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands (2024) Keywords: mucosal model development vaccine Service:  Qualité des vaccins et produits sanguins Kwaliteit van vaccins en bloedproducten Quality of ...

Characterisation and Hazard identification of substandard and Falsified Antimicrobial Drugs. The CantiBio project 2016-2020

antibiotics Quality risk analysis Abstract: Studies on SF antimicrobials, one of the most frequently used medical products, circulating in Europe or other industrialized regions are very scarce. However, case ...

Handbook of Solvents volume II, Use, Health and Environment

Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Eric Deconinck; Bart Desmedt Source: Residual solvents in pharmaceutical substances and products, Volume 2, Issue 14.2, Number 1322, p.28 (2024) Health Topics:  Médicaments illégaux Illegal medicines I ...

The strategic change of the API fingerprint programme: from verification of authenticity of API sources to identifying potential quality issues

North-Macedonia (2024) Keywords: API GEON Quality Control Abstract: Since its creation the API-surveillance programme, performed under the hospices of the API-working group, focused a lot on the authenticity of API ...

Maintaining the quality of vaccines through the use of standards: Current challenges and future opportunities.

quality in the past decades, the types and uses of standards have expanded with technological advances in manufacture and testing of vaccines. The needs of stakeholders are evolving in response to the ...

Accuracy of Labeling of Galantamine Generic Drugs and Dietary Supplements.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Cohen, Pieter A; Bram Jacobs; Van Hoorde, Koenraad; Vanhee, Céline Source: JAMA (2024) Health Topics:  Illegal medicines Médicaments illégaux Illegale geneesmiddelen Service:  Médicaments et prod ...

How to Deal with Uninformed and Poorly Informed Opinions of Citizens? A Critical Approach to Online Public Engagement

on why and how researchers should deal with UPI opinions, illustrated by quotes from the DNA  Debate. Health Topics:  Cancer Quality of healthcare Cancer Kanker Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van ...

Nationwide quality assurance of high-throughput diagnostic molecular testing during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: role of the Belgian National Reference Centre.

diagnostic assays for SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) and later to assess the quality of commercial kits. To meet the growing demand for decentralised testing, both clinical ...

Clinical performance of the novel full-genotyping OncoPredict HPV Quantitative Typing assay using the VALGENT framework.

multiplex real-time PCR quantitative assay targeting E6 / E7 genes, allowing individual viral load determination of 12 high-risk (HR) HPV types. Quality controls for sample adequacy, efficiency of nucleic ...

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