Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Guidance in selecting analytical techniques for identification and quantification of non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in food contact materials (FCMS)

Source: Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, Volume 39, Issue 3 (2022) Keywords: chromatographic methods food contact materials Food Packaging Migration NIAS non-intentionally added substances ...

Study of the possible migration risks of food contact materials for children under 3 years

Monitoring and quantification of these compounds was done using GC- and LC-QqQ- MS methods, for which several validation parameters were determined (sensitivity, selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision, ...

Migration of 17 Photoinitiators from Printing Inks and Cardboard into Packaged Food- Results of a Belgian Market Survey

ink on packaging materials used in food applications such as carton boards and can contaminate the food by migrating into the food. In this contribution, a fast and reliable confirmation method for the ...

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