Zoekresultaten - 4 results

MRSA surveillance programmes worldwide: moving towards a harmonised international approach

surveillance, we suggest improving the integration of microbiological and epidemiological data, implementation of central biobanks for MRSA isolate collection, and inclusion of a representative sample of skin and ...

Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolates after exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a retrospective case–control study

data collected retrospectively in a case–control study linking microbiological test results (isolated bacteria and their susceptibility) of urine samples routinely collected from primary, secondary and ...

Deep amplicon sequencing for culture-free prediction of susceptibility or resistance to 13 anti-tuberculous drugs.

J (2020) Abstract: Conventional molecular tests for detecting complex (MTBC) drug resistance on clinical samples cover a limited set of mutations. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) typically requires culture. ...

Molecular surveillance of anti-malarial drug resistance in Democratic Republic of Congo: high variability of chloroquinoresistance and lack of amodiaquinoresistance.

the presence of the SVMNT  haplotype. METHODS: In 2017, ten geographical sites across the DRC were selected. Dried blood samples were collected from patients attending health centres. Malaria was first ...

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