Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Which drugs of choice are on the rise or in decline? A trend analysis of Belgium’s treatment settings (2015-2019)

A reference group of treatment units was selected to allow for comparisons between the different years. Trend analysis was performed by using a joinpoint regression among different regions and groups ...

Synthetic Cannabinoids and Cannabis: How the Patterns of Use Differ: Results from the European Web Survey on Drugs

survey from 10 different European countries including individuals aged 18 and over (n = 37,109). Participation was anonymous, self-selecting, and voluntary. Cannabinoid exposure was taken as the dependent ...

Utilization of gabapentin by people in treatment for substance use disorders in Belgium (2011-2014): a cross-sectional study.

descriptive study with matching. Two datasets were used and linked at individual level. Subjects were selected based on their first registration in the database of the Treatment Demand Indicator (TDI) between ...

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