Zoekresultaten - 60 results

The Enrichment of Histomonas meleagridis and Its Pathogen-Specific Protein Analysis: A First Step to Shed Light on Its Virulence.

meleagridis may serve as a very first step toward understanding its pathogenesis and virulence. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux ...

European OneHealth/EcoHealth workshop report- Brussels, 6-7 October 2016.

monitoring Santé animale Diergezondheid Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Service:  Épidémiologie des maladies infectieuses Epidemiologie van infectieziekten ...

Epizootie H3N1 en Belgique

animale Diergezondheid Service:  Avian virology and immunology Virologie aviaire et immunologie Aviaire virologie en immunologie Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Pre-print Full text access:  Public ...

(Non-)Sense of Milk Testing in Small Ruminant Lentivirus Control Programs in Goats. Comparative Analysis of Antibody Detection and Molecular Diagnosis in Blood and Milk.

animale Diergezondheid Service:  Viral reemerging enzootic and bee diseases’ Virale heropduikende, enzoötische en bijen-ziekten Maladies virales réémergentes, enzootiques et des abeilles Manuscript ...

Nationwide Screening for Bee Viruses and Parasites in Belgian Honey Bees.

colonies over multiple years is necessary. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Viral reemerging enzootic and bee diseases’ Virale heropduikende, enzoötische en bijen-ziekten ...

Bayesian Evaluation of Three Serological Tests for Detecting Antibodies against spp. among Humans in the Northwestern Part of Ecuador.

Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Veterinary bacteriology Bactériologie vétérinaire Diergeneeskundige bacteriologie Manuscript versions:  DOI:  ...

Overview of spatio-temporal distribution inferred by multi-locus sequence typing of Taylorella equigenitalis isolated worldwide from 1977 to 2018 in equidae

between 1977 and the early 2000s would be helpful to obtain an exhaustive picture of the original CEM  situation. Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Veterinary bacteriology ...

Presence of seronegative sows after routine vaccination against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS)

Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Infectious diseases in animals Infectieziekten dier Maladies infectieuses animales Manuscript versions:  File:  Version:  Pre-print Full text access:  Public Access ...

Differences  in replication kinetics and cell tropism for genotype I and II ASFv strains

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Brecht Droesbeke; Nadège Balmelle Source: (0) Health Topics:  Animal health Santé animale Diergezondheid Service:  Maladies ...

The Major Envelope Glycoprotein of Murid Herpesvirus 4 Promotes Sexual Transmission.

Topics:  Animal health Service:  Éléments traces et nanomatériaux Spoorelementen en nanomaterialen Trace elements and nanomaterials Manuscript versions:  DOI:  https://doi.org/10.1128/JVI.00235-17 File:  ...

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