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Zoekresultaten - 11 results

Global case study of digital marketing on social media by a top soda brand.

countries with lower SDI and higher brand’s % MS. The brand’s posts focus on young adults, display of brand’s products and glorification of its attributes. Other identified features include sport ...

Rapport CIVISANO-vragenlijst Duffel en Herselt

196.6 minuten per week aan sport, fitness of sportieve vrijetijdsactiviteiten, niet-kwetsbare deelnemers 214.6. Duffelaars besteden gemiddeld 186.7 minuten per week aan sport, fitness of sportieve ...

Nine prohibited stimulants found in sports and weight loss supplements

cardiovascular Dietary Supplements Abstract: Background Weight loss and sports supplements containing deterenol have been associated with serious adverse events including cardiac arrest. Objective To determine the ...

Analysis of illegal peptide biopharmaceuticals frequently encountered by controlling agencies.

as has been recommended for sports drug testing applications. The group of peptides represent substances which have already been detected in illegal and counterfeit products seized by different ...

Psychosocial characteristics associated with breast cancer survivors' intimate partners' needs for information and support after primary breast cancer treatment

journal measure measures movement need needs ON perceived psychosocial Research Research Support SB- IM Science SOCIAL Social Support Sport stress study Survivors treatment Universities university Abstract: ...

[The Horse Medicine Group runs in Hooge Mierde].

Humans Sports Veterinary Medicine Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary science ...

Confirmed COVID-19 Cases per Economic Activity during Autumn Wave in Belgium.

occupational sectors, such as human health and care, food service, cultural and sport activities, have been associated with a higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection than other sectors. To curb the spread of ...

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