Zoekresultaten - 6 results

Policy statement on multidisciplinary cancer care.

care they need and deserve. While implementation must remain in local hands, European health systems can still benefit from having a basis for an effective multidisciplinary model of cooperation. This ...

Patterns and trends in human papillomavirus-related diseases in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

European Guidelines will finally kick-start effective interventions in many of these countries that still lack organised programmes. This article forms part of a regional report entitled “Comprehensive ...

Quality of care of people with type 2 diabetes in eight European countries: findings from the Guideline Adherence to Enhance Care (GUIDANCE) study.

identified some encouraging positive trends in Europe in relation to meeting targets for the management of people with type 2 diabetes, but there is still scope for further improvement and greater ...

European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. Second edition--summary document.

a greater impact on countries in which screening programmes are still lacking and in which opportunistic screening has been preferred in the past. Other methodological aspects such as future prospects of ...

Burden of cervical cancer in Europe: estimates for 2004.

indicates that the burden of cervical cancer is particularly high across the whole of Eastern Europe. Cervical cancer still constitutes a considerable public health problem in Europe. The dramatic contrast ...

Chapter 9: Clinical applications of HPV testing: a summary of meta-analyses.

cytology-based screening still remains the standard screening method. The European screening policy will be reviewed based on the longitudinal results of randomised population trials which are currently underway. ...

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