Zoekresultaten - 35 results

CD57, a marker for B-cell activation and splenic ellipsoid-associated reticular cells of the chicken.

Capillaries Chickens Flow Cytometry immunohistochemistry Lymphocyte Activation Plasma Cells Spleen T-Lymphocytes Abstract: We have demonstrated that the ellipsoid-associated reticular cells of chicken spleen ...

Expression of beta 2 integrins on blood leukocytes of cows with or without bovine leukocyte adhesion deficiency.

neutrophils and monocytes, respectively, whereas the absolute number of lymphocytes remained normal. The mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of the beta 2 integrins (CD18) in heterozygous animals was 56 to 90% of ...

Specific interferon-gamma, IgA and IgM responses after experimental infection of neonatal calves with Cryptosporidium parvum.

Protozoan Antibody Formation Cattle Cryptosporidiosis Cryptosporidium parvum Feces Immunoglobulin A Immunoglobulin M Interferon-gamma Lymphocytes Time Factors Abstract: The in vitro interferon-gamma ...

Cellular pathways involved in the ex vivo expression of bovine leukemia virus.

B lymphocytes express viral information. When the cells are isolated from animals in persistent lymphocytosis and cultivated ex vivo, a tremendous increase in viral expression occurs. To gain insight into this ...

Experimental transmission of enzootic bovine leukosis to cattle, sheep and goats: infectious doses of blood and incubation period of the disease.

donor. The number of lymphocytes which induced BLV infection in recipient animals varied widely with the donor. The high infectivity of a donor seemed to be correlated with high lymphocytosis and high ...

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