Zoekresultaten - 185 results

Laboratory validation of two real-time RT-PCR methods with 5'-tailed primers for an enhanced detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus.

Keywords: 5' Untranslated Regions Animals DNA Primers Foot-and-Mouth Disease Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Reproducibility of Results Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction RNA, Viral Sensitivity ...

Evaluation of 16 commercial antibody ELISAs for the detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus-specific antibodies in serum and milk using well-characterized sample panels.

p.1040638717724839 (2017) Abstract: We performed a thorough fit-for-purpose evaluation of commercial ELISA s for the detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)-specific antibodies in serum and in milk by testing ...

Specific antibody-mediated immunity in the reproductive tract of laying chickens immunized against Newcastle disease with conventional attenuated and inactivated vaccines.

Abstract: Despite the widespread and successful use of Newcastle disease (ND) vaccines, Newcastle disease virus (NDV) can seriously injure the reproductive tract of egg-laying hens, leading to rapid egg-drop ...

Comparative Tick-Borne Encephalitis (Virus) Surveillance in Belgium 2009-2015: Experiences with Diagnostic Tests, Sentinel Species and Surveillance Designs

Volume 1, Issue 4 (2017) Keywords: Tick-borne encephalitis (virus); Wild boar; Roe deer; Sentinel species; Abstract: When it is not overtly affecting human beings, the Tick-Borne Encephalitis Flavivirus ...

Genetically stable infectious Schmallenberg virus persists in foetal envelopes of pregnant ewes.

Diseases Abstract: Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a recently emerged vector-borne virus, inducing congenital defects in bovines, ovines and caprines. Here we have shown that infectious SBV is capable of ...

Molecular Subtyping of Salmonella Typhimurium with Multiplex Oligonucleotide Ligation-PCR (MOL-PCR).

Biol, Volume 1616, p.39-69 (2017) Abstract: A multiplex oligonucleotide ligation- PCR (MOL- PCR) assay is a valuable high-throughput technique for the detection of bacteria and viruses, for ...

Impact of caspase-1/11,-3,-7, or IL-1/IL-18 deficiency on rabies virus-induced macrophage cell death and onset of disease.

Cell Death Discov, Volume 3, p.17012 (2017) Abstract: Rabies virus is a highly neurovirulent RNA virus, which causes about 59000 deaths in humans each year. Previously, we described macrophage ...

Encephalomyocarditis virus in a captive Malayan tapir ().

negative, except for encephalomyocarditis virus. Histopathology revealed mineralisation of myocardial cells and interstitial infiltration of lymphocytes, plasma cells and less neutrophils. ...

Jaarrapport 2016: Hepatitis C virus

Number: Not available URL: https://nrchm.wiv-isp.be/nl/ref_centra_labo/hepatitis/Rapporten/Forms/AllItems.aspx Keywords: Hepatitis C Abstract: Het aantal serologische aanvragen voor hepatits C virus (HCV) ...

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in European Union Countries in 2013: Data and Challenges.

prevalence United Nations World Health Organization Abstract: BACKGROUND.: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS) has set a “90-90-90” target to curb the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ...

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