Zoekresultaten - 6 results

Accelerating the (regulatory) uptake of New Approach Methodologies via the RE-Place project

assessment of chemical mixtures’, Issue BelTox, Brussels, Belgium (2023) Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing animal testing Database NAMs new approach methodologies Regulatory uptake ...

Progress of the RE-Place project

://leefmilieu.brussels/pro/milieubeheer/dierenwelzijn-garanderen/proefdieren-en-alternatieven-de-weg-vooruit Keywords: 3Rs Principle alternative methods to animal testing animal testing Database Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies RE-Place Service:  Risques chimiques et physiques pour la santé ...

Current status of the RE-Place database

3Rs alternative methods to animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en ...

The Innovation Centre 3Rs (IC-3Rs) in Belgium

European Congress on Alternatives to Animal Testing, Issue EUSAAT, Linz, Austria (2022) Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies Service:  ...

RE-Place: stimulating knowledge sharing on New Approach Methodologies via an open access database in Belgium.

Testing, Issue EUSAAT (2022) Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact ...

RE-Place: an open access database collecting expertise on New Approach Methodologies in Belgium

Keywords: 3Rs alternative methods to animal testing Knowledge sharing NAMs new approach methodologies open access database Service:  Évaluation des risques et de l'impact sur la santé Risico- en ...

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