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Zoekresultaten - 45 results

Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests

found between TF nitrate-nitrogen (NO3 −-N) fluxes and SPI n. For Quercus and Pinus, two genera producing many flowers each year, SPI n displayed limited variability and no clear association with TF ...

Pollutant exposure and myocardial injury: Protocol and progress report for a toxicological systematic mapping review.

pollutant-related cardiotoxicity. Evidence maps and interactive knowledge graphs will illustrate evidence streams, cardiotoxic effects and associated quality of evidence, helping researchers and regulators to ...

A qualitative approach to experiential knowledge identified in focus groups aimed at co-designing a provocation test in the study of electrohypersensitivity

experiential knowledge can contribute to biomedical research, by extending it to the most organic aspects of diseases. A few examples of collaboration between medicine and patient associations are promising, ...

Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A

these associations are already evident during foetal development. Similar biological signals shape the developmental processes in the foetal brain and placenta.Therefore, we hypothesize that green space ...

Association between temperature and natural mortality in Belgium: Effect modification by individual characteristics and residential environment

mortality being associated to extreme temperatures but the extent to which individual or residential factors modulate this temperature vulnerability is less clear. Methods We conducted a multi-city study with ...

Air pollution in association with mental and self-rated health and the mediating effect of physical activity

might play a role in the etiology of mental disorders. In this study we evaluated the association between air pollution and mental and self-rated health and the possible mediating effect of physical ...

Higher buccal mtDNA content is associated with residential surrounding green in a panel study of primary school children

green space is associated with mitochondrial abundance is unexplored. Furthermore, as exposures may affect health from early life onwards, we here evaluate if residential green space is associated with ...

Residential Exposure to Urban Trees and Medication Sales for Mood Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease in Brussels, Belgium: An Ecological Study

Somers Source: Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 130, Issue 5 (2022) Abstract: Background: The available evidence for positive associations between urban trees and human health is mixed, partly ...

The purity of tattoo inks, screening substances of high concern

surprising since these colors are most often associated with adverse health effects. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Médicaments et produits de ...

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