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Zoekresultaten - 47 results

The purity of tattoo inks, screening substances of high concern

surprising since these colors are most often associated with adverse health effects. Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement Gezondheid en milieu Service:  Médicaments et produits de ...

What triggers selective daily mobility among older adults? A study comparing trip and environmental characteristics between observed path and shortest path.

binomial regression tested associations between detour percentage, trips characteristics and environmental exposures. Detour percentage was higher for walking trips (28%) than car trips (16%). Low-speed ...

Different Effects of a School-Based Physical Activity Intervention on Health-related Quality of Life

associations of time, intervention and student group showed that the effect of the intervention was different between groups. For the KIDSCREEN dimensions physical well-being, psychological well-being, autonomy ...

Bidirectional associations between sedentary time and sleep duration among 12-to 14-year-old adolescents

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Maïté Verloigne; Veerle Van Oeckel; Ruben Brondeel; Louise Poppe Source: BMC public health, Volume 21, Issue 1 (2021) ISBN: 1471-2458 Health Topics:  Health and environment Santé et environnement ...

Urban environment and mental health: the NAMED project, protocol for a mixed-method study

modern societies and tend to be more frequent in big cities. Where increased evidence exists for positive links between nature and mental health, associations between urban environment characteristics and ...

Association between urban environment and mental health in Brussels, Belgium

health. It is therefore important to identify features of the urban environment that affect the mental health of city dwellers. The aim of this study was to define associations of combined long-term ...

Exposure to green space and pollen allergy symptom severity: A case-crossover study in Belgium

symptom severity scores and matched these to 404 control days. The data were analyzed using conditional logistic regression with a 1:1 case-crossover design. Results: Case days were associated with exposure ...

Association between local airborne tree pollen composition and surrounding land cover across different spatial scales in Northern Belgium

compositions. Corylus and Platanus pollen were associated to urban areas; Populus, Juglans and Fraxinus pollen to agricultural areas; forests and wetlands were sources of Alnus and Quercus pollen. Salix, Populus and Betula pollen were also ...

Residing in urban areas with higher green space is associated with lower mortality risk: A census-based cohort study with ten years of follow-up

(PM2.5, PM10, NO2  and BC, one at a time), and we additionally explored potential mediation with the aforementioned pollutants. Results Higher degrees of residential green space were associated with lower ...

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