Zoekresultaten - 14 results

Occurrence of microcystin congeners in surface waters and food in Belgium as a source of exposure to humans

conjunction with and compared to other research tools. The MC s prevalence data was then used to make a preliminary assessment of human exposure and associated public health risk. Initially, methodologies were ...

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

investigated to improve the results in particular when skipping the culture enrichment of the food and other applications for public health can be explored as well such as the analysis of the human microbiomes ...

Taenia solium Cysticercosis/Taeniosis in Europe and Central Asia

Cham, p.69- 82 (2022) ISBN: 978-3-030-84222-2 Keywords: burden of disease Cysticercosis Foodborne disease health impact public health Abstract: In Europe, occurrence of autochthonous T. solium cases was ...

Validated alternative methods available for human Health and Safety assessment of cosmetic products and their ingredients in the European Union

Publication Type: Scientific book or chapter Authors: Rogiers, Vera; Anouck Thienpont; Mona Delagrange; Birgit Mertens; Vanhaecke, Tamara Source: Validated alternative methods available for human ...

In silico methods for chromosome damage

to human health, including for pharmaceuticals. To this extent, a compound’s potential to induce gene mutations as well as chromosome damage needs to be addressed. For chromosome damage, i.e. the ...

Flanders and Brussels join forces to tackle animal testing

alternative methods,” Weyts said. Human materials and computer models In Belgium, about half a million test animals are used for scientific purposes every year, most often in biomedical research into new ...

Brussels region finances VUB research into alternatives to animal experiments

animals at all. Instead, the tests would be carried out on cultures of human cells. The ultimate aim of that research is to find a treatment for fibrosis of the liver – the most common form of ...

Fusarium, clinical relevance and mass spectrometry methods for identification, using strains of the Belgian fungal culture collection BCCM/IHEM

Mass Spectrometry Abstract: A correct identification of mold species causing human infections is of the utmost importance since treatment may differ depending on the infecting species. However, this is ...

Development of molecular tools for rapid detection and quantification of indoor airborne molds to assess their impact on public health

have some limitations. For example, uncultivable or dead fungi (“unknown” fraction) cannot be identified, although they could have an impact on human health.  In this context, molecular tools seem to be ...

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