Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Importance of anti-SARS-CoV-2 assay antigenic composition as revealed by the results of the Belgian external quality assessment (EQA) scheme.

2 (2022) Keywords: Adult Antibodies, Viral Antigens, Viral Belgium Coronavirus Nucleocapsid Proteins COVID-19 COVID-19 Serological Testing Diagnostic Tests, Routine Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Humans ...

Biological activity conferred by endocrine disrupting chemicals in hospital effluent and river water from the Brussels Region, Belgium

gene expression) bioassay using a luciferase reporter gene as part of BG1 luc4E2 cells (human ovarian adenocarcinoma). Responses are time, dose, and ligand specific using 17β-estradiol (the natural ...

In utero exposure to parabens and early childhood BMI z-scores- Associations between placental ethyl paraben, longitudinal BMI trajectories and cord blood metabolic biomarkers.

Source: Environ Int, Volume 157 (2021) Keywords: Biomarkers Body Mass Index Child, Preschool Female Fetal Blood Humans Parabens Placenta Pregnancy Abstract: BACKGROUND: Parabens are used as antimicrobial ...

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