Zoekresultaten - 6 results

Linkage of individual-patient data confirm protection of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination against invasive cervical cancer

based on intervention trials and populationbased surveillance of real-world data built up over the last two decades. Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Health and disease monitoring Qualité des soins ...

Comparison of SNP-based subtyping workflows for bacterial isolates using WGS data, applied to Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium and serotype 1,4,[5],12:i:.

Besides the technological advances which have pushed the approach forward, the last years have been marked by considerable evolution of the whole genome sequencing data analysis methods. Prior to ...

End-of-life care for people dying with dementia in general practice in Belgium, Italy and Spain: A cross-sectional, retrospective study.

A palliative treatment aim was common in the last 3 months of life in all three countries. Specialized palliative care services were provided in 14% (Italy, severe dementia) to 38% (Belgium, severe dementia) of ...

Pediatric diabetes centres rated parental responsibility and family support as most important determinants of HbA1c using a 17-item questionnaire: a pilot study

Viviane Van Casteren; Kris Doggen Source: ISPAD 2016, ISPAD, Valencia, Spain (2016) Keywords: diabetes family support HbA1c parental responsibility pediatric Abstract: In the last decades, HbA1c levels in ...

Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium.

the last 3 years, and the average number of smears screened for each woman was 1.5. On account of incomplete registration, the coverage was 8% lower than estimated from health insurance data. The modal ...

Introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Belgium, 2007-2008.

vaccinate 44% of all girls aged between 12-15 years. However, the trend was decreasing over the last 10 months. By the current reimbursement policy, we can expect that maximum half of the target population ...

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