Zoekresultaten - 28 results

Quantifying burden of disease to support public health policy in Belgium: opportunities and constraints

of disease burden in terms of DALY s would provide a significant added value to evidence-based public health policy in Belgium, although some hurdles need to be cleared. Health Topics:  Burden of ...

Socio-economic differences in participation of households in a Belgian national health survey.

CONCLUSION: Socio-economic inequalities in participation can introduce a bias in the health survey findings. Strategies targeting improvement of the participation of lower socio-economic groups need to ...

Communicating genetics and smoking through social media: are we there yet?

information on this topic is actually present on social media. Therefore, there is a need to monitor the information that is there and to evaluate the population’s understanding of the information related to ...

Incidence, patient characteristics and treatment initiated for GP-diagnosed depression in general practice: results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study.

health service. CONCLUSIONS: This study has yielded original data on the incidence and management of depression in Belgian general practice. Our findings show that efforts are needed to improve depression ...

An update on vaccines for tuberculosis- there is more to it than just waning of BCG efficacy with time.

for tuberculosis is urgently needed to halt this poverty-related disease, afflicting millions of people worldwide. AREAS COVERED: After a general introduction on the global threat of tuberculosis, the ...

Livestock veterinarians at high risk of acquiring methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ST398.

during hospitalization, our results underline that preventive measures may need to be developed for veterinary professionals, particularly for livestock veterinarians. Health Topics:  Antimicrobial ...

Is individual educational level related to end-of-life care use? Results from a nationwide retrospective cohort study in Belgium.

life, suggesting a need for empowerment of less well-educated terminally ill people regarding specialist palliative and general end-of-life care use. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

Impact of rotavirus vaccination on laboratory confirmed cases in Belgium.

78.7-81.4%). The rotavirus season was delayed compared to pre-vaccination seasons. Laboratory data provide a crude estimation of vaccination impact, but analysis of in-patient data will be needed to assess the ...

Impact of conjugate 7-valent vaccination in Belgium: addressing methodological challenges.

post-vaccination data should adjust for pre-vaccine trends, and serotype dynamics need further exploration. Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

Trends in production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases among Enterobacteriaceae of clinical interest: results of a nationwide survey in Belgian hospitals.

is of major concern and highlights the need for further surveillance in Belgium. Health Topics:  Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  3.03 Health sciences ...

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