Zoekresultaten - 38 results

Susceptibility of in vitro produced hatched bovine blastocysts to infection with bluetongue virus serotype 8.

associated with an increased incidence of abortion and other reproductive problems. For these reasons, and also because BTV-8 is threatening to spread to other parts of the world, there is a need for more ...

Influenza A strain-dependent pathogenesis in fatal H1N1 and H5N1 subtype infections of mice.

refute the hypothesis of a single, universal cytokine storm underlying all fatal influenza diseases. Research is thus crucially needed to identify sets of virulence markers and to examine whether treatment ...

Evaluation of different strategies for the use of ELISA tests as first screening tools for serologic surveillance of low pathogenic avian influenza in the Belgian poultry sector.

detection of H5 and H7 subtypes. However, as the number of tested sera has been increasing, there is a need for another serologic method that could be used as a preliminary screening test. A comparison of ...

Evaluation of rapid antigen detection kits for the diagnosis of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 infection.

a result of their low sensitivity and some aspecific reactions, test results always need to be confirmed by other methods. Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 Veterinary ...

Lactic acid bacteria as reducing and capping agent for the fast and efficient production of silver nanoparticles.

agglomeration, high costs, and upscaling difficulties. Additionally, there exists a need for the development of a more eco-friendly production of nanosilver. In this study, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria ...

Comparative pathogenesis of an avian H5N2 and a swine H1N1 influenza virus in pigs.

single extra-respiratory tissue found positive for virus and viral RNA with both viruses. Our data do not reject the theory of the pig as an intermediate host for AIV s, but they suggest that AIV s need to ...

Some guidelines for determining foot-and-mouth disease vaccine strain matching by serology.

a pool or a medium to high VNT or lpELISA titer serum. Furthermore, the VNT seems to produce the most reproducible inter-laboratory results. More work is, however, needed in order to substantiate ...

Transplacental infection and apparently immunotolerance induced by a wild-type bluetongue virus serotype 8 natural infection.

one to 4 months of age without BT suspicion. Moreover, virus isolation was successful for two newborn calves, emphasizing the need for restricting trade to BT-free regions of pregnant dams possibly ...

Potential of antiviral therapy and prophylaxis for controlling RNA viral infections of livestock.

drawbacks, not the least of which being the time needed to trigger the immune response (i.e. “immunity-gap”). Effective, rapid control tools are, therefore, urgently needed and antiviral compounds could serve ...

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