Zoekresultaten - 8 results

Epidemiological, clinical and radiological characteristics of people with neurocysticercosis in Tanzania-A cross-sectional study.

more lesions than serologically positive people without epileptic seizures (10.5 [7-23]), and more often had active lesions. PWE diagnosed with NCC (n = 53) were older, and more commonly had focal onset ...

The Belgian health examination survey: objectives, design and methods.

blood pressure and for people aged 50 years and older handgrip strength and 3) a collection of blood and urine samples. The BELHES followed as much as possible the guidelines provided in the framework of ...

Mixing mixed-mode designs in a national health interview survey: a pilot study to assess the impact on the self-administered questionnaire non-response.

to complete the web SAQ. Yet among those, only 78.5% (84/107) actually did. At the end, the overall (web and P&P) SAQ unit response rate reached 73.5%. In this study older people were less likely ...

Additional weighting for education affects estimates from a National Health Interview Survey.

the total study population aged 25 years and older. If education is taken into account this proportion rises to 40.3%. The use of post-stratification weights adjusting for the population distribution by ...

Factors associated with excessive polypharmacy in older people

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Walckiers, Denise; Johan Van der Heyden; Jean Tafforeau Source: Archives of Public Health, Volume 73, Issue 1 (2015) Keywords: Belgium medicine use multimorbidity Health Topics:  Health and disea ...

Dominant influenza A(H3N2) and B/Yamagata virus circulation in EU/EEA, 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, respectively.

especially in people aged 60 years and older. Influenza A(H3N2) virus dominated in 2016/17 and B/Yamagata in 2017/18. The latter season was prolonged with positivity rates above 50% among sentinel detections ...

Global patterns in monthly activity of influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and metapneumovirus: a systematic analysis.

metapneumovirus are the most common viruses associated with acute lower respiratory infections in young children (<5 years) and older people (≥65 years). A global report of the monthly activity of these viruses ...

Unit Response and Costs in Web Versus Face-To-Face Data Collection: Comparison of Two Cross-sectional Health Surveys.

the difference was higher among people aged 65 years and older (15.4% vs 45.1%), lower educated people (10.9% vs 38.0%), people with a non-Belgian European nationality (11.4% vs 40.7%), people with ...

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