Zoekresultaten - 3 results

The global burden of neglected zoonotic diseases: Current state of evidence

retrieved. By summing the available global estimates, the selected NZD s caused at least 21 million DALY s per year, a similar order of magnitude to (but less than) the burden due to foodborne disease ...

Burden of foodborne disease due to bacterial hazards associated with beef, dairy, poultry meat, and vegetables in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso, 2017

in both countries was substantial. Uncertainty distributions around the estimates spanned several orders of magnitude. This reflects data limitations, as well as variability in the transmission and ...

Towards Real-Time and Affordable Strain-Level Metagenomics-Based Foodborne Outbreak Investigations Using Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies

routine laboratory practices to investigate food samples in case of foodborne outbreaks still rely on attempts to isolate the pathogen in order to characterize it. We present in this study a proof of ...

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