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Zoekresultaten - 4 results

Surveillance septicemieën in Belgische ziekenhuizen- Jaarrapport 2013, gegevens 2000-2013

culture/suspected origin). The most frequent micro-organisms in BSI acquired in the hospital were E. coli (22%), coagulase-negative staphylococci (13%) and Staphylococcus aureus (11%). Antibiotic resistance of these ...

Surveillanceprogramma van septicemieën in ziekenhuizen in België- Gegevens 2000-2011

preventable, in particular for the septicemia associated to invasive devices. For this reason, Belgium organized a national septicemia surveillance (SEP) since 1992. The number of hospitals participating for ...

Muticentrische studie "Verband tussen antibioticaconsumptie en microbile resistentie bij de individuele patiënt"

organisms, in particular well known pathogens, at the individual patient level both in the ambulatory and in the in-patient setting. The microbiological results of voluntary participating clinical laboratories ...

Surveillance van nosocomiale septicemieën in Belgische ziekenhuizen, Data 1992-2001

micro-organisms (19.9%), followed by E. Coli (14.2%), S. aureus (13.6%), Streptococcus sp. (6.4%, with 2.1% S. pneumoniae), Enterobacter sp. (5.9%), Enterococcus sp. (5.6%), Candida sp. (5.4%), Klebsiella sp. ...

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