Zoekresultaten - 4 results

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

It was proven that whole genome sequencing has a higher resolution than any combination of tests carried out so far. But the isolation is not always possible, and it is time-consuming. A new method ...

Listeria monocytogenes isolates from Cornu aspersum snails: Whole genome-based characterization and host-pathogen interactions in a snail infection model.

Here, we use whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to assess the genomic diversity of hypervirulent, virulent and non-virulent phenotypes of 15 L. monocytogenes isolated from snails to unveil their survival, ...

Application of a strain-level shotgun metagenomics approach on food samples: resolution of the source of a Salmonella food-borne outbreak

conventional analysis based on isolation, serotyping and MLVA (multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis) comparison, followed by whole-genome sequencing, to confirm the source of the contamination over ...

Development of a genoserotyping system for the identification of Salmonella serotypes

sequences of more than 230 000 Salmonella isolates), from the scientific literature and from genomic studies using publicly available and in-house produced Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) data (achieving ...

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