Deformation at first presentation is associated with ulceration in active Charcot foot: a prospective follow-up study of 62 patients of the IQED-Foot study

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (niet gecontroleerd)

Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding





Aim: Charcot foot is a rare but devastating complication of diabetes. We aimed to get a clear picture of the actual circumstances in which Charcot foot occurs and how it is managed. Emphasis was placed on epidemiological data (age at occurrence, diabetes duration, side of Charcot foot,…) and data about management (time to diagnosis, deformation present at diagnosis, method of immobilization).   Method: Thirty-four multidisciplinary diabetic foot clinics in Belgium prospectively registered 62 cases with acute Charcot foot in 2014 and followed them for up to six months in ter…

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