Last updated on 14-12-2020 by Jill Alexandre
Public Access
Dieter Schrenk; Margherita Bignami; Laurent Bodin; James Kevin Chipman; Jesús del Mazo; Bettina Grasl‐Kraupp; Christer Hogstrand; Laurentius Hoogenboom; Jean‐Charles Leblanc; Carlo Stefano Nebbia; Elsa Nielsen; Evangelia Ntzani; Annette Petersen; Salomon Sand; Christiane Vleminckx; Heather Wallace; Lars Barregård; Sandra Ceccatelli; Jean-Pierre Cravedi; Thorhallur Ingi Halldorsson; Haug, Line Småstuen; Niklas Johansson; Helle Katrine Knutsen; Martin Rose; Alain‐Claude Roudot; Henk van Loveren; Günter Vollmer; Karen Mackay; Francesca Riolo; Tanja SchwerdtleTrefwoorden
The European Commission asked EFSA for a scientific evaluation on the risks to human health related to the presence of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in food. Based on several similar effects in animals, toxicokinetics and observed concentrations in human blood, the CONTAM Panel decided to perform the assessment for the sum of four PFASs: PFOA, PFNA, PFHxS and PFOS. These made up half of the lower bound (LB) exposure to those PFASs with available occurrence data, the remaining contribution being primarily from PFASs with short half‐lives. Equal potencies were assumed for the four PFASs i…