Last updated on 28-1-2022 by Wesley Van Dessel
Søren Saxmose Nielsen; Julio Alvarez; Dominique Joseph Bicout; Paolo Calistri; Elisabetta Canali; Julian Ashley Drewe; Bruno Garin‐Bastuji; José Luis Gonzalez Rojas; Christian Gortázar Schmidt; Mette Herskin; Virginie Michel; Miguel Ángel Miranda Chueca; Barbara Padalino; Paolo Pasquali; Liisa Helena Sihvonen; Hans Spoolder; Ståhl, Karl; Antonio Velarde; Arvo Viltrop; Christoph Winckler; Kris De Clercq; Gubbins, Simon; Klement, Eyal; Jan Arend Stegeman; Sotiria‐Eleni Antoniou; Inma Aznar; Alessandro Broglia; Alexandra Papanikolaou; Yves Van der Stede; Gabriele Zancanaro; Helen Clare RobertsTrefwoorden
EFSA received a mandate from the European Commission to assess the effectiveness of some of thecontrol measures against diseases included in the Category A list according to Regulation (EU) 2016/429 on transmissible animal diseases (‘Animal Health Law’). This opinion belongs to a series ofopinions where these control measures will be assessed, with this opinion covering the assessmentof control measures for foot and mouth disease (FMD). In this opinion, EFSA and the AHAW Panel ofexperts review the effectiveness of: i) clinical and laboratory sampling procedures, ii) monitoring periodand iii…