Sheeppox virus genome sequences from the European outbreaks in Spain, Bulgaria, and Greece in 2022-2024.

Last updated on 16-12-2024 by Andy Haegeman

Public Access


Peer reviewed scientific article



In 2022-2024, three outbreaks of sheeppox (SPP) were reported in the European Union. These occurred in Spain, Bulgaria, and Greece and had serious economic consequences due to animal losses and trade restrictions. Five sheeppox virus (SPPV) whole-genome sequences (WGSs) were determined from samples collected during these outbreaks and analyzed in the context of all other published WGSs. Sheeppox virus strains can be divided in two, or possibly three, main groups. The isolates from the recent outbreaks belong to clade A2, which includes strains historically circulating in the Middle East and…

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