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Final transitions to place of death: patients and families wishes., Van den Block, Lieve, Ko Winne, Miccinesi Guido, Moreels S, Donker Gé A., Onwuteaka-Philipsen Bregje, Vega Alonso Tomas, and Deliens Luc , J Public Health (Oxf), 2016 Sep 21, (2016)
General practice patients treated for substance use problems: a cross-national observational study in Belgium., Boffin, Nicole, Antoine Jérôme, Moreels S, Wanyama Simeon, De Ridder Karin, Peremans Lieve, Vanmeerbeek Marc, and Van Casteren Viviane , BMC Public Health, 2016 Dec 08, Volume 16, Issue 1, p.1235, (2016)
Hospitalisations at the end of life in four European countries: a population-based study via epidemiological surveillance networks., Pivodic, Lara, Pardon Koen, Miccinesi Guido, Vega Alonso Tomas, Moreels S, Donker Gé A., Arrieta Enrique, Onwuteaka-Philipsen Bregje D., Deliens Luc, and Van den Block Lieve , J Epidemiol Community Health, 2016 May, Volume 70, Issue 5, p.430-6, (2016)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaarrapport 2014, Sabbe, Martine, E. da Costa Mendes, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste A., Delforge Marie-Luce, Heymans C., Huygen K, Hutse Veronik, Jacquinet Stéphanie, et al. , 0/0/2016, Bruxelles, p.., (2016)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen, die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaarrapport 2015, E. da Costa, Mendes, Grammens Tine, Litzroth Amber, Maes Virginie, Muyldermans Gaetan, Quoilin Sophie, Sabbe Martine, Bertrand Sophie, Delforge Marie-Luce, Desombere I, et al. , dec 2016, Brussel, België, p.108, (2016)
Maladies infectieuses pédiatriques à prévention vaccinale. Rapport annuel 2015, E. da Costa, Mendes, Grammens Tine, Litzroth Amber, Maes Virginie, Muyldermans Gaetan, Quoilin Sophie, Sabbe Martine, Bertrand Sophie, Delforge Marie-Luce, Desombere I, et al. , 12/2016, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.108, (2016)
Zorg aan het levenseinde in het Vlaamse Gewest in de periode 2005-2014, Moreels, S , 2016, Volume D/2016/2505/12, Number 52, Brussel, Belgium, p.52, (2016)
Care trajectories are associated with quality improvement in the treatment of patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A registry based cohort study., Goderis, Geert, Van Casteren Viviane, Declercq Etienne, Bossuyt Nathalie, Van Den Broeke Carine, Vanthomme Katrien, Moreels S, Nobels Frank, Mathieu Chantal, and Buntinx Frank , Prim Care Diabetes, 2015 Oct, Volume 9, Issue 5, p.354-61, (2015)
Does the Belgian diabetes type 2 care trajectory improve quality of care for diabetes patients?, Van Casteren, Viviane, Bossuyt Nathalie, Moreels S, Goderis Geert, Vanthomme Katrien, Wens Johan, and De Clercq Etienne W. , Arch Public Health, 2015, Volume 73, Issue 1, p.31, (2015)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaarrapport 2013, Grammens, Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste A., Detemmerman L., De Schrijver K., Goubert P., Heymans C., et al. , 0/0/2015, Brussel, p.156, (2015)
Infectieziekten bij kinderen, die voorkomen kunnen worden door vaccinatie. Jaaroverzicht 2014, Sabbe, Martine, Grammens Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, da Costa Elise Mendes, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste Anne, Delforge Marie-Luce, Heymans C., et al. , dec 2015, Brussel, België, p.62, (2015)
Maladies infectieuses pédiatriques à prévention vaccinale. Synthèse annuelle 2014, Sabbe, Martine, Grammens Tine, Braeye Toon, Bleyenheuft Corinne, E. da Costa Mendes, Quoilin Sophie, Bertrand Sophie, Dediste A., Delforge Marie-Luce, Heymans C., et al. , 12/2015, Bruxelles, Belgique, p.63, (2015)
Public Health Triangulation to inform decision-making in Belgium., Bossuyt, Nathalie, Van Casteren Viviane, Goderis G, Wens J, Moreels S, Vanthomme K, and De Clercq E , Stud Health Technol Inform, 2015, Volume 210, p.855-9, (2015)
Transitions between health care settings in the final three months of life in four EU countries, Van den Block, L., Pivodic L., Pardon K., Donker G.A., Miccinesi G., Moreels S, Vega Alonso T., Deliens L., and Onwuteaka-Philipsen B.D. , Eur.J.Public Health, 30/3/2015, Volume ?, (2015)
Trends from the surveillance of suicidal behaviour by the Belgian Network of Sentinel General Practices over two decades: a retrospective observational study., Boffin, Nicole, Moreels S, and Van Casteren Viviane , BMJ Open, 2015 Nov 27, Volume 5, Issue 11, p.e008584, (2015)

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