Zoekresultaten - 4 results

Linkage of individual-patient data confirm protection of prophylactic human papillomavirus vaccination against invasive cervical cancer

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: M. Arbyn; P. Rousta; Bruni, Laia; Schollin Ask, Lina; Basu, Partha Source: JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute (2024) Keywords: ...

Social integration of people with severe mental illness: A challenge for health care systems and policies

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Pierre Smith Source: Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of health and Society, p.301 (2021) Abstract: People with severe mental illness (SMI) face ...

Les trajets de soins diabète de type 2 et insuffisance rénale chronique et la qualité des soins (EVACQ)

santé pour les patients pris en charge dans un TS s’inscrit dans la demande d’étude EVACQ (Evaluation of Ambulatory Care Quality), définie dans une convention conclue entre l’Institut National d’Assurance ...

110 years of working towards a healthy life for all- A look back at the history of the Scientific Institute of Public Health

Publication Type: Popular-science publication (vulgarising publication) Authors: Wesley Van Dessel Source: Festivities 110 years existence of the Scientific Institute of Public Health, WIV-ISP, ...

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