Zoekresultaten - 97 results

Depth and lateral deviations in guided implant surgery: an RCT comparing guided surgery with mental navigation or the use of a pilot-drill template.

accuracy of guided surgery compared with mental navigation or the use of a pilot-drill template in fully edentulous patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty consecutive patients (72 jaws), requiring four to six ...

Relationship between self-reported weight change, educational status, and health-related quality of life in patients with diabetes in Luxembourg.

p.149 (2015) Keywords: Body weight Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 Educational Status Female Follow-Up Studies Health status Humans Luxembourg Male Mental health middle aged Obesity Quality of Life Self Report ...

Enquête de santé 2013, rapport 1: état de santé et bien-être

Source: Scientiic Institute of Public Health, Volume 1, Number 1115, Brussels, p.1115 (2015) Keywords: Belgium chronic condition de DISABILITY enquête de santé ET Functional status Health status HIS Mental ...

Does exposure type impact differentially over time on the development of mental health disturbances after a technological disaster?

Health, Volume 73, Issue 1, p.20 (2015) Abstract: BACKGROUND: A longitudinal study was conducted in order to assess the impact of the Ghislenghien disaster (July 30th, 2004) on physical, mental and social ...

Dietary intake of lycopene by the Belgian adult population.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Stefanie Vandevijvere; Cucu, Tatiana; Vinkx, Christine; Huvaere, Kevin; Huybrechts, Inge; Joris Van Loco Source: Public Health Nutr, ...

Incidentie van en risicofactoren voor urineweginfecties bij geïnstitutionaliseerde en niet-geïnstitutionaliseerde ouderen

zijn leeftijd, geslacht, incontinentie voor stoelgang en/of urine, aanwezigheid van een urinaire katheter, afhankelijkheid (Katz A, B, C of Cd), cognitieve stoornissen (dementie of Mini Mental State ...

Incidence, patient characteristics and treatment initiated for GP-diagnosed depression in general practice: results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study.

Ideation Young adult Abstract: BACKGROUND: Despite its public health significance, data about depression in general practice are often unavailable. OBJECTIVE: To study (i) the incidence of GP-diagnosed ...

Short-term follow-up of patients diagnosed by their GP with mild depression or first-time moderate depression. Results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study.

reimbursement of a mental health consultation in family practice and integration of primary care psychologists. Quality improvement interventions may be a strategy to overcome premature discontinuation of ...

De psychische gezondheid van de Belgische algemene bevolking in het begin van de 21ste eeuw. Stand van zaken en reflecties voor de toekomst

Leuven (2012) ISBN: 978-90-334-8488-9 Keywords: alcohol Anxiety Belgische cannabis Cocaine de dépression EN Esemed gezondheid HIS Mental health prevalence suicide Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare ...

De ESEMED/WMH studie: samenstelling van de steekproef, dataverzameling en gebruikte statistische methoden

p.464 (2012) ISBN: 978-90-33-48488-9 Keywords: alcohol Anxiety cannabis Cocaine de dépression Esemed HIS Mental health prevalence suicide Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé ...

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