Zoekresultaten - 12 results

Attributing Ethiopian animal health losses to high-level causes using expert elicitation

class, and production system. Three-point questions were used to inform beta-pert distributions and capture uncertainty in estimates. Individual expert estimates were aggregated by quantile mean to produce ...

Epidemiological Dynamics of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the Horn of Africa: The Role of Virus Diversity and Animal Movement.

Africa is a large area of arid and semi-arid land, holding about 10% of the global and 40% of the entire African livestock population. The region’s livestock production system is mainly extensive and ...

[Foot and mouth disease virus: transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and surveillance].

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV), a Picornavirus belonging to genus Aphthovirus affects domestic and wild artiodactyls. FMD has a considerable socio-economic impact on agricultural production and trade in ...

Comparative Evaluation of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus-Based Live Attenuated Vaccines.

These observations can have important implications in the applicability in the field for some of these LSDV LAV s. Health Topics:  Effectiveness and safety of vaccines, medicines and health products ...

Review: Vaccines and Vaccination against Lumpy Skin Disease

farmers. Decision makers need sound scientific information to support their decisions and subsequent actions. The available vaccine products vary in terms of quality, efficacy, safety, side effects, and ...

Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture

production systems. Consistent and transparent attribution of animal health losses will enable meaningful comparisons of the animal disease burden to be made between diseases, production systems and countries, ...

Roll-out of the Global Burden of Animal Diseases programme

nutrition security, health, and livelihoods. These positive contributions are being undermined, however, by the negative effects of livestock production and consumption on society and the environment—eg, ...

Carry-over of some Fusarium mycotoxins in tissues and eggs of chickens fed experimentally mycotoxin-contaminated diets

respectively. These transfers were fully eliminated 9–10 days after feeding the control diet again. These results indicate the transfer of ENN B, ENN B1  and BEA from feed to chicken offal, meat products and eggs ...

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