Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Global case study of digital marketing on social media by a top soda brand.

page among the top five in the number of followers within the beverage segment. Among them, digital marketing was described by the number of the page followers, the number of posts, and the number of ...

Benchmarking public policies to create healthy food environments compared to best practice: the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index in Guatemala.

information panels on packaged foods. Seventy-seven actions were recommended prioritizing the top 10 for immediate action. The Gwet AC2 was 0.73 (95% CI 0.67-0.80), indicating a good concordance among experts. ...

The nature of food promotions over one year in circulars from leading Belgian supermarket chains

poultry, fish and eggs (8.6%); cakes, sweet biscuits and pastries (8.1%); ready-made and convenience foods (8.0%); chocolate and sugar confectionery; energy bars and sweet toppings (7.7%) and cheeses (5.7%). ...

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