Real-time cluster detection to enhance outbreak investigation in Belgium

Last updated on 12-12-2024 by An Van den Bossche

Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding




In Belgium, the annual incidence of Listeria monocytogenes infections reported at the National Reference Centre (NRC) ranges between 0.65 and 0.75 cases/100 000 inhabitants over the last ten years. An exceptional high number was notified in 2016 (0.94) mainly due to a multi-country CC8 cluster (UI-492), while the lower number in 2020 (0.47) was probably linked to the Covid-pandemic. Although the number of perinatal cases has been stable, varying between 5 to 10 cases per year, a peak of 16 cases (18.4% of the total number) was reported in 2022. The 6 deaths in utero or after birth and 5 pre…

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