Zoekresultaten - 15 results

Streptococcus pyogenes infections with limited emm-type diversity in the homeless population of Brussels, 2016-2018.

laboratory-confirmed Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus, GAS) infections among inpatients hospitalized at a tertiary level hospital in Brussels, Belgium, according to the patients’ housing status (homeless ...

Human psittacosis: a review with emphasis on surveillance in Belgium.

Belgium, the number of reported positive laboratory results increased slowly since 2010, and in 2017, the number almost doubled compared to the two previous years. The number of psittacosis cases in Belgium, ...

Incidence estimation from sentinel surveillance data; a simulation study and application to data from the Belgian laboratory sentinel surveillance

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Toon Braeye; Sophie Quoilin; Hens, Niel Source: BMC Public Health, Volume 19, Issue 1 (2019) Health Topics:  Health and disease monitoring ...

Comparison of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) systems for the identification of moulds in the routine microbiology laboratory.

Microflex LT (MLT) — and the MSI  application. METHODS: Moulds were collected retrospectively and prospectively to display epidemiological diversity of a microbiology laboratory. All of them were identified ...

Very Long Persistence of Botulinum Toxin B in a Patient’s Serum

immunocompromised adults) botulism. Case Report: A case of human botulism type B due to the consumption of an imported dried ham is reported. Laboratory results confirmed the diagnosis using the mouse bioassay and the qPCR ...

Characteristics of the antibiotic regimen that affect antimicrobial resistance in urinary pathogens

interactions p = 0.0067). The laboratory identity, dying, and the time between prescription and sampling were important confounders (p < 0.001). Conclusions Our model describing shows a dose-response relation ...

A pan-European ring trial to validate an International Standard for detection of Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in seafoods

a multi-laboratory validation study with the aim of improving the precision of this ISO technical specification and providing a single ISO standard method to enable detection of these important foodborne Vibrio spp.. ...

Historical aspects of iodine deficiency control.

Hypothyroidism Disease Eradication Europe Female Global Health Goiter, Endemic History, 18th Century History, 19th Century History, 20th Century History, 21st Century Humans Infant Infant Mortality Iodine New ...

Whole Genome Sequence Analysis of Salmonella Enteritidis PT4 Outbreaks from a National Reference Laboratory's Viewpoint.

type plant profile public public health Public-health Questionnaire resistance result results routine routine laboratory S Salmonella Salmonella enterica Salmonella enteritidis Sequence Analysis ...

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